Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > pregnency


21 14:17:24

I have a female piggy, she is almost a year, and I have a male who is about months. I think Mrs. piggy is pregnant. She has been eating more and drinking alot. She also doesn't like it when I touch her stomach. I was told that she was to old to safely have babies, is this true and what should I do?

Hello Xavier,

If you know when she got pregnant take her to the vet and schedule a C-Section for about the 65th day mark. I really need to know her exact age to be of better help. Most pigs can safely deliver until about 15 months old. They breed them as late as that in labratories. The catch is, some have pelvic bones that harden earlier and since we love our pets and want them safe, it's best to abide by the one year rule. There's a good chance she'll be fine and deliever safely. Keep a close eye on her. If you don't know when she got pregnant, check everyday to see if you can feel the babies. When you feel the babies move schedule the C-Section for 2 weeks later. The pups will likely have a rough start as they will be premature but they'll have a chance and you'll save mom. Good luck!
