Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > update on coughing piggy

update on coughing piggy

21 14:17:23

Andy I gave my guinea pig a bath and she is no longer doing the coughing/squawking thing.  She is still  letting out little sneezes every now and then, should I still bring her to a vet? Or do you think it could have just been that she needed a bath?  If I take her to the vet and they say she does have a respiratory infection what can I do to prevent these in the future, I am using carefresh bedding and I know, from reading, that that is what kind of bedding you guys usually recommend using, so I am unsure of what I could be doing wrong.

Hi again Courtney

There is no reason to think that your pig is sneezing because of anything you have done.

A practical thing you can do is to hold your piggy close to your ear so you can hear her breathing. If you can hear a clicking sound between inhaling and exhaling, this is evidence of an infection. If not, then she probably just had a little sniffle. Like anything, the best way to avoid infection is to keep piggies house clean and dry, but it sounds like you do a great job in caring for your piggy, so relax.

If any other problems develop, you know where to find me.
