Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > hi again! im writting because...

hi again! im writting because...

21 14:43:38

hi again! i'm writting because i'm starting something awesome! ok guess what! lol i'm starting a rescue for guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, rabbits & more! (but only the small animals.) if you have any suggestions please let me know. if you know a cheap way i can setup a website please let me know!i'm also trying to figure out what i should put on their name cards!
i have to put their name, age, gender, description, and type. what types are their, i know short-haired, hairless, & long haired. are their any other types? when their hair sticks up, it that a long-haired, or another type? plase HELP! i'm so confused. any suggestions are welcome! by the way, if your looking for another piggie, or small critter, contact me! my rescue e-mail is, but it will not be ready for a few days. ~thanx~ttyl~ *Taylor*

Hello Taylor.

Long time no hear! I hope all your piggies are doing great! :)

Now, as long as your aware of the responsibilities of starting a rescue, i say CHEERS! to you because it's hard work and a great idea. I really couldn't give you many suggestions regarding your start up of this all because i have never been in that kind of business. I only know how to take care of my piggies.

Now, in regards to the breeds. That can be a bit confusing because there are so many breeds out there. There are long hair piggies where it's just straight and very long and those are called peruvians. Then there are those piggies that have medium length hair that sticks up every where and those are called abbysians. Abby's for short.

I'll be sure to check out your site. :)

Here's a few websites that may answer some of your questions, or where you can find out more information about piggies and such.

If you join this yahoo group "gabbing about piggies". (just put that name into your search bar) there are a great amount of people that can answer questions for you. Breeders, and owners. Also, if you search on the name "peter gurney", you should be able to find his website and he's very helpful as well.

Hope this helps.