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shedding and bitting cavy

21 14:35:34

i have a short haired male guinea pig who has recently started shedding alot. is this serious?
also about 15 min. during "cuddle" time with my piggie, he starts to bite my clothing, sort of pulling it up and not letting go and then going to a different spot of the clothing and doing it again, is this abnormal behavior, and if it is is there anything i can do to stop it?

im a new guinea pig owner and any information is much appreciated
thank you!!

Hello Nadalie,

Cavies do have a tendency to shed a lot as the warmer weather moves in. Does your piggy live indoors or out? Outdoor guineas are more prone to developing thicker winter coats and then shedding it as the spring and sumer seasons approach. Indoor cavies do also shed; some more than others. It's a normal process in most cases.

Are there any symptoms such as scabs or sores on the skin? Little pimples, lots of scratching, dramatic thinning of the fur? If so this could indicate mites which need to be treated by your veterinarian. If it is just simple shedding then there is nothing to worry about.

Guinea pigs pee and poop a lot and aren't the best at holding off their toileting needs. Fifteen minutes is a very good time for pigs to be held and your cavy likely needs to be put down in his cage to go to the loo. They don't like to pee on their 'parents'! If you hold your pig little and often - maybe for fifteen minutes two or three times a day - then you get the full benefit and he still gets to bond with you. Other causes of biting are being in pain, being uncomfortable with being touched ina  certain area, being bored, being lonely and needing the toilet. My neutered boar, Charlie, has a tendency to do this as well but it's usually as soon as I pick him up - he's not the best at being cuddled for long periods of time.
Rather than punishing your pig when he bites, just pop him back in the cage and come back to him later. If he bites more often and sooner then try wrapping him loosely in a  blanket - this protects you and your clothing and keeps him feeling snug and secure.

If there is anything else you would like to know, just ask!

~ Laura