Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Guinea pig not eating/drinking

Guinea pig not eating/drinking

21 13:43:10


I have a guinea pig that is about 4/5 years old and she hasn't been eating or drinking.  I've tried carrots, and lettuce too just in case she doesn't like her food, but she doesn't seem interested.  Any suggestions would be great.


These are the questions I most dislike, not because it's an inappropriate question but because it's very hard to have to give you the answer.

In guinea pig years your little girl is very old. It's very possible that she's simply getting ready to pass on, and for that we have no treatment. When a pig turns its nose up at food and water they are telling us that they're getting ready to leave.

If she were drinking water I would suggest a possible tooth problem. But even with tooth issues they still want to drink. I know this isn't what you want to hear and I'm so very sorry. My responsibility here is to be truthful, and sometimes that is so painful not just for you to hear but for me to say.

I wish I had a better answer.