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Emergency!! My Guinea pig is sick!

21 13:39:33

My guinea pig is 18 months old, she's suffering from COLD for the past 2 days & has runny nose & watery eyes. She refuses to take water & doesn't eat properly, she has become less active on the second day.
Also, her hind legs are skinny & hairless due to vitamin C deficiency (which I found later), I'm giving her foods rich in it now.
There is no vet available in my place & I'm in need of your advice regarding any medication or home remedies for my pet.
I'm so worried, please help me!
Thanks in advance.

Vitamin C deficiency, also known as scurvy, is unusual in a pig that has been raised on guinea pig pellets. Rabbit food does not contain Vit C as they manufacture their own and do not require the supplement.

At this point a vet may not be able to make a difference. Unfortunately you can't always reverse the effects of scurvy, but that may not be what she is suffering from. The first sign of scurvy is often deformity of the bones. Guinea pigs do not get a common cold as we know it. They can however, get respiratory infections. Sadly once they start refusing food and water they have often turned the point of no return.

Make sure she is kept away from drafts. Keep fresh water in front of her. If she won't drink the water offer wet lettuce to help keep her hydrated. If she has a respiratory infection she needs an antibiotic. They cannot tolerate any form of penicillin. The typical treatment is a sulfa based medication such as Baytrim or Bactrim.

It is a common misconception that oranges contain large amounts of Vit C. It does not. Parsley and Kale are the top contenders when it comes to the amount of Vit C they actually contain per oz.  Guinea pigs love both and will eat it without encouragement.

I wish I had something more positive to offer, but it sounds as though she is already very ill and there is a good chance she may not pull through it. I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I had a family emergency that kept me away from my computer.