Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > bad impactation?

bad impactation?

21 14:07:03

well, i picked up one of my guinea pigs just now and realised that in his anus or whatever, it was opened wide. it was like filled with poppie stuff. im really worried about him now. It looked almost as if he was giving birth- but hes a boy i think. he might be ok in the morning anyway. Also he is molting too much i think, there is hairs everywhere and where he scratches himself there is a patch that is almost bald.
do you think its a good idea to give him a bath or something?
im really worried! will he die?
if it is impactation im only 11 so i dont really want to be scooping poop out all the time. do you think i should take him to the vet?
he is eating and drinking ok as far as i know and there is the normal amounts of poop on the ground. i use cat litter paper based pellets on the ground.
my guinea pig is only about 2 years old so is he too young to get impactation anyway?
thanxx so much :)

Hi Frances

He is probably a bit young to become impacted but if that is the problem then, although unpleasant, its something you have to help him with.

I advise you not to use cat litter as it can be eaten and get stuck in the digestive system.

The malting could be sign of a skin infestation like mites so all in all its probably a good idea to get him checked so any problems, impaction, mites or otherwise can be treated.
