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shared custody

21 13:48:50

I have had guinea pigs in the past when i was young and it didn't go well, i had to give them up to my friend. Now i have been researching like crazy, but i didn't know how to prove my responsibility to my parents. The same friend recently got a new guinea pig and came up with the idea that we could "share" him, and each care for him for an allotted amount of time. Would this be healthy for him, he already lives in a separate cage from many other pairs and trios of cavies if that is important.

Bravo, Maureen.  I think that's a wonderful idea to help convince your mom that you're ready for the responsibility. As a mother I would consider that a good way for either of us to prove our point. Talk to your mom and work up a schedule that will fit everyone. You can even write up a contract between you and mom stating what your responsibilities will be.  You can include that if you fail to uphold your part of the contract the pig will go back to the friend's house without argument.

I place pigs all the time with children. I don't place them with very young ones. My own criteria is that the child should be old enough to understand what responsibility is and what their part is.

I actually have a written contract between myself and the child that states that they are taking the pig with the understanding that they are fully responsible for feeding, watering, cleaning the cage and giving attention to their pet. It says that if at any time they must be told to do any of the chores the pig comes back to me. The contract goes home with them and mom posts it on the refrigerator or somewhere it can be seen daily.

I have never had to take back a pig that has been placed this way.  So I really think that your mom would go for this and it's an excellent way to prove to her that you're more mature now and are capable and willing to fulfill your part.  

I hope you dont' mind my making this a public question. I think it's such a good idea it's worth sharing and might be used by someone else in the same position. I compliment you and your friend for coming up with it.

Please let me know how this works for you. I think your mom will be proud that you are smart enough and grown up enough to even think of this.