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Lump under neck

21 14:27:49

I have 2 guinea pigs, and one woke up with a lump under his neck, and can't seem to chew very good. I have called a vet, and waiting for him to return the call, but this little piggie seems to cough when he eats, what am I dealing with. We have been through this before, but this time the lump is bigger. I take great care of both of them, feeding them Timothy Hay, fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh grass, they have the run of the house, but nothing they can get into would hurt them, no pesticides or stuff like that. I take great care in cleaning the messes up, and they are really loved. I am worried about the right vet, picked one out who deals with exoctic pets, but I am just wondering what this could be a sign of.  

Hi there Cindy, well it sounds to me like you're definately doing the right thing by your guinea pigs!

Unfortunately, even the best cared-for piggies (such as yours) can catch illnessses. It sounds to me like the lump could be a problem with your piggies teeth or perhaps an absess. Guinea pigs can be susceptible to mouth and teeth problems, some of which can be caused by a reaction to hay or a scratch from a sharp piece of hay or through overgrown teeth.

If your guinea pig is having trouble eating then syringe feeding is a good way to supplement their diet. Cooked and liquidised barley, mixed with pureed vegetables and a little oat is a good feed mixture to give to piggies suffering from mouth trouble.

Half of a crushed Vitamin B tablet or a little brewers yeast can also be given to supplement feeding.

Check on your piggies teeth, especially the lower ones to see if there is any misgrowth as if there is then this needs treating urgently.

Good luck!
