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confused on introducing new guinea to old

21 14:07:39

I adopted a guinea pig who is a male. have no idea how old he is. ive had him for about 3 months. I can tell he is full grown. I just today bought another one from petco. its a female. looks and appears very young. will my male being older and use to being alone fight or hurt the baby female. I put them together from the start for only about a hour he chased her around checking her out. so I separated them so she can have some peace.......what should I do..


I would not recommend putting a male and a female together unless you want to have lots of baby guinea pigs! If your female is very young, she will be too young to breed (aged 3-4 months is ideal for the first time) so if she is new from a pet shop she is likely to be 6-8 weeks old, and you will need to keep her separately for now. A male and a female will never live together in harmony; if you want them to be a breeding pair, just put the male in with the female for a day or two and he will chase her mercilessly until the deed is done! Then put the male back in his own cage, and in 68-72 days your female will give birth.

If you'd simply like a companion for your male, it will be best to get another male instead. This can be tricky but I have first-hand experience doing this, so let me know, and I can talk you through it.

Best wishes,