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guinea pig weight?

21 14:07:13

Hi, I am new to guinea pigs and have had my 2 male guinea pigs for 4 months, the guinea pigs are almost 8 months old now.
I have been weighing them once a week since I have got them and they have been putting on weigh every week but the last 2 weeks they stayed the same weight then when I weighed them this week one put on 75g and the other only 25g. The heaviest one is weighing at 975g and the other smaller one is 875g. is that about the right weight for their age? how much weight should they put on a week? and how much further will they weigh at?

Hi Amanda,

I'm sorry but I don't know anything about the rate at which guinea pigs should put on weight. However, by eight months they should be moe-or-less fully grown, so don't worry if one stops growing; he's probably just meant to be a smaller piggy! Even guinea pigs from the same litter can grow to be markedly different in size. Some guinea pigs continue to grow throughout their lives; you just need to make sure this happens all-over and not just to their bellies!

It will be a great idea to continue to monitor their weight, as if you ever notice weight-loss it can be an early sign of illness.

Hope this helped and if you have any other questions ... just ask!

Best wishes,