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babie guinea pig

21 14:08:40

Hello Jenny,
My guinea pig had three babies a week ago. I spend alot of time with them as I now have seven in total, the mother and babies are fine, eating running about ect. I have just noticed one of the babies has a tiny white dot in the center of its eye, it has just appeard, I have had a close look and it sems to be on the eye its self any ideas? the vets near hear dont have alot of time for pigs. I feel so sorry for the little thing I dont know wot to do and will be up all nite worrying.. Hope you can help thanx x

Hi Sarah,

Firstly ... I have never heard of a white dote on a piggy's eye. It might be nothing to worry about, or it might be. Try asking Laura the vetinary nurse from Australia for advice. Unfortunately a lot of vets don't have a lot of time for piggies ... try to find a specialist small animal or exotics vet, or get in touch with the Cambridge Cavy Trust who will find you a nearby rodentologist.

Secondly ... congratulations on the birth of your new babies :o) Aren't they adorable? Just a bit of advice ... you will be able to sex (tell her gender) of the babies for sure when they are two weeks old, at three weeks they will stop drinking from their mother, and at three-four weeks you will need to move any boys to a separate cage.

I hope you find out if the eye is a problem, and get in touch if you have any questions about looking after the babies.

Best wishes,