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Guinea pigs/Rabbits breeding together

21 14:22:50

hi Nicole
About 24 years ago, my mum had a male rabbit and female GP.She decided to house them together after watching a programme stating they'd be good company for each other.They seemed to get on well.A few months later, to our utter astonishment they produced young, just one,it lived about 3 weeks.I spoke to my vet about 5 years ago.He said all the text books say this could not happen, because rabbits and guinea pigs are  of different species.But he did say he believed me.I only wish i'd recorded its existence.I would be interested to discover your comments

Hi Lorraine,

    I am terribly sorry for the delay with this response.  It's true that the "laws of nature" say that what separates species from each other is the fact that the two cannot successfully produce offspring.  However, this is the third claim I have heard that this has happened, and so I am starting to become a believer.  A baby that only lives for 3 weeks does not exactly count as "successfully" producing offspring, and so they may have very well mated.

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your guinea pig (=

                                               - Nicole