Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Baby guinea pig-female

Baby guinea pig-female

21 14:22:51

We have just purchased a new baby girl guinea pig.  I got her from a pet store straight from the breeder's container as she brought them in.  She has not been without her family prior to this--and dummy me, I forgot to ask her age, but she is TINY. I am nervous that she is not eating or drinking.  She is in with the other girl right now.  Both were bought a day from each other and my 1st girl (slightly larger)is doing great--Running around going from food to hay to each water bottle jumping and having fun.  I am going to get some fresh veggies tonight to see about hand feeding--but how can I be sure she is drinking?  She just hides right now. She settles down to be petted and held, but still runs when we get near. It has been less than 24 hours but the other girl who had lived at the pet shop for a few days prior to me getting her was eating and drinking after the 1st few hours.
What should I do?

Hi Tyra

The key to this probably is her age. If she is less than 6 weeks old she will be very nervous about being away from her mother.

In short the only way to guarantee that she is drinking is to watch her continuously, which of course isnt practical.

I dont think you should worry though, her nervousness is to be expected.
