Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > dangers to guinea pigs

dangers to guinea pigs

21 14:17:42

I am going to build a house for my little one. I was going to use pine wood and plywood. To put it together i was going to use hot glue from a hot glue gun. Before i make this house i want to make sure that it's not going to harm her. If you know anything about this i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.  Joe

Hello Joseph,

Some piggies have allergies to pine so you want to be careful using it, particularly if your piggy has ever had issues with pine bedding. as long as you clean the glue from the edges so your piggy can't eat it, it should be ok. Wood glue may be a better choice though since it would be easier to wipe away from the edges since it stays wet longer. Good luck!
