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Protein, fibre and horse mixes?

21 14:25:21


I was hoping you could help me in regards to feeding a guinea pig a horse feed. Many owners in Australia tend to feed their cavies horse feeds that contain lupins, soyabean meal, grains, oats, mollases and are formulated for horses. What are the risks medically to feeding a guiena pig a diet formulated for a large working animal such as a horse? Also what are the protein requirements for a guinea pig?

Thanks for any help or even links or resources  would be appreciated if you can find any information on feeding horse feeds.  

Hello Naomi,

Horses and Guinea Pigs have very similar nutritional requirements, except of course, the Guinea Pigs eat less and to my knowledge is perfectly safe to feed them. The protein requirement for a Guinea Pigs is 18-20% and is best if from plant origins. I actually have a friend from Australia who suggested horse pellets for my crew once and this is what she told me when I asked about it:
Chaff = chopped lucerne hay, and the stalks of oats chopped into small pieces, can take a photo if you like, bags come in 40kilos, the feed shop may sell you smaller amounts.

We use Coprice as its the only pellet that the pigs like, comes in a 20kilo bag & last for 2 months, doesnt have a mill date on it. Just read the labels of the pellets & stay away from the Pollard & Bran types - they are a fatty conditioner.

Our feed ratio is 60% lucern chaff, 35% Oaten chaff, 5% pellet.

Main vegetables are carrot, 1/12th small apple, a weed called wandering dew, bamboo, oranges, mint, basil, occasional parsley.
She's a very knowledgeable piggy person and one of my mentors, so I very much trust her judgement. Don't forget, if you feed your piggies horse pellets, they will definantly need a regular supply of Vitamin C (preferably from fruits and veggies) every day as horse pellets contain none. Also, as Judi, suggested, compare ingredients and nutritional content labels to help choose the best one. Good luck.
