Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Preganacy problems?

Preganacy problems?

21 14:16:01

QUESTION: Hi Jules, I hope you can help! My Guinea pig had 1 baby yesterday but for some reason I can only find it's head, I presume she ate it after birth. After reading other articles and researching etc I am confused!! I thought she would have at least 2-3 babies not 1, could she have had this one early and still be expecting the others? please help. I have transfered her in to a big run with a big cardboard box and lots of hay for privacy and I have also left the male in to help her?
Thank you.

ANSWER: Hi Gary,

Guinea Pigs can have anywhere from 1 to 8 pups (babies). The average is 2 to 4 pups, but it isn't uncommon for them to have only 1.

I would suggest taking her to the vet and find out if it the one what premature and if she is carrying anymore. Also you may want to remove the male in case it was just 1 pup and she isn't carrying anymore as he'll try to mate with her again and back to back pregnancies are rather risky when it comes to the mother's and pups' health.

I hope this helps,
   Take care,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She still seems rather large to have just 1, and i'm sure she has been bred from before. I bought her from a breeder. Maybe the vet is the right way to go?


The vet is a good way to go. Especially since you don't know if she has been bred before or not. As if not breed before 8 months of age their pelvic bones fuse together and they are unable to give birth to the pups.

So diffidently take her to see the vet in case she is having problems delivering the pups. It is always better to be safe then to regret it later down the road.

 I hope this helps and that she is alright.
         Take care now,