Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Expectant Guinea with a Limp

Expectant Guinea with a Limp

21 14:47:03

Dear Blair,

I have an approx. 6 mo. old guinea that is pregnant.  One week ago today, I had her at the vet to confirm pregnancy.  The vet confirmed that she was and even did an ultrasound.  He concluded that she was approx. 2 weeks away from delivering.  However, today (just 1 week later), I noticed that she is limping.  It's her rear left foot that seems to be the problem.  I didn't see anything obviously wrong (a splinter, etc.).  Have you seen this occur in pregnant females who are quite large?  She's getting huge--is that possibly the reason for her "limp".  I read on the net that guineas can deteriorate very rapidly.  I also have a call into the vet, but hate taking her out in the cold again for another office call even though I put her in a box with lots of protection (towels).  

Thanks for your prompt reply.


 It could be that she is so large that it is putting pressure on her foot. That has happend to one of my guinea pigs, she was pregnant and I didn't know until she started limping.When it gets closer to having birth the mother will get extremly huge. It might cause her to limp alot and when she is done delivering her foot should heal. Is it swollen? If it is it could be the cage flooring that is making her limp. If the flooring is wire than get some floor matting and put it down.I'm pretty sure that it is  from her being so huge that it's putting alot of pressure on her left foot.I hope this is helpful and don't hesitate to ask me any more questions!!