Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Brown Bumps on Feet

Brown Bumps on Feet

21 14:06:54

I have three pigs all healthy. One of them has a brown small growth of one of its front paws. It is not painful, and does not impede on her walking. Just wondering if there is anything I should do with it? The cage has a soft clean bottom (Aspen shavings).
Thank You

Hi Mark

if it isnt hurting her the it should be fine and it may go away
but if it grows it could be a blister or worse a tumor
Has she cut her foot if so it may have got infected and this could be the bump
If it is a cut then put some anti Bacterial spray or cream for Guinea Pigs And just apply to the foot every day
If it isnt a cut then i advise you take him to a vet to get it checked Out
All The Best