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Guinea pig pregnant at 1 year old

21 13:39:00

Can a 1 year old guinea pig die trying to give birth?
I've read everywhere that it's risky for a 1 year old guinea pig to give birth because their pelvis bones fuse when they turn 1 year old. Is it true?

Absolutely untrue.  One year is the prime age to breed a sow for the first time. After age 2 the pelvic ligaments begin to harden and lose their elasticity if the sow has never been bred. Bones do not fuse together in the pelvis. It is the ligaments that move the bones apart that are the issue.  We use the age of 2 as a reference only.  It's not written in stone.

I think what happens is that one person repeats the age suggestion of two years.  The next person moves it to 1 1/2  yrs, and so on. Very often the people offering online advice actually have little or no experience and are not properly educated and informed.  

Most breeders will show their showable sows up to one year and then put them into breeding. If they recover well and do not lose their conditioning they are often shown again after weaning.

Wherever you've read that it is dangerous is not true.