Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Cage bar chewing

Cage bar chewing

21 14:05:33

Hi.  I'm struggling with some cage bar chewing.  My piggie doesn't chew constantly, only when she knows its lettuce time.  I believe that this started as an excitement behavior, but I then enforced it by always giving her lettuce right after she was chewing.  I've started a "no lettuce until 5 minutes after she stops" policy, but I'm not sure if piggie brains can really make that connection (although I currently own the smartest pig I've ever met.)  Any suggestions to get her to stop?  Since she doesn't do it often, its probably not a major concern, but its really annoying.  Oh, and is it bad that she eats a lettuce leaf as big as she is every day?  I think she'd eat herself to death if I gave her enough lettuce.  Thanks!

Hi Andrea

Lettuce should be given in moderation due to its watery characteristics but a small amount each day is fine.

You're right, the chewing isnt a big concern. Some people say coating the bars with a strong smelling safe liquid works but I cant think what might be suitable.
