Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > new guinea pig - advice ?

new guinea pig - advice ?

21 14:10:29

QUESTION: hello andy,
yesterday i bought a 7 week old guinea pig of the long hair variety.
Hes quiet,hardly moves only to eat and drink.
I was expecting for him to be like this.
The staff at the shop said i could start to hold and stroke him straight away.So thats what iv been trying to do.
The problem is,when i struggle to get him out(he trys to run away,i put him on my lap and sometimes when i stroke him he makes a rumbling noise,what is this sound and what does it mean?
He dosent seem to like being hold either.
Any advice please ??

ANSWER: Hi Jordan

Congratulations on getting your new guinea pig. I am sure he will give you hours of pleasure.

It is very normal for a new piggy to be very scared when he goes to a new home. Dont worry, he will settle in after a few days.

The rumbling noise is a bit like a nervousness. You will notice this happens if a loud noise is made too. Its perfectly normal.

Just handle him gently and regularly and he will get used to you over time.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thankyou very much.
One more question - how much time per day can i spend picking him up and stroking him?because i dont want to stress him by doing it too much.

Hi again

For the first few days just give him one or two cuddles to help him settle in.

Generally though, you can spend as much time with him as you like. Most piggies love being handled when they settle in and he will let you know when he needs to go back in his house for a pee, probably by nibbling your clothes.
