Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my Guinea Pig is bleeding.... :/

my Guinea Pig is bleeding.... :/

21 13:43:50

QUESTION: start off, I got my Guinea Pig from a pet store that this man worked hard to keep. So I don't want to really blame him if his place its why my Captain is having issues. Firstly, its a girl. Her name is Captain, right now she has no one in her cage with (which I feel slightly bad about because she had other piggies in her cage at the store). She's been laying down a lot, making kind groaning like noises. Nd now she has started to bleed....
Its bad of me to pick a girl when I've only had boys in the past....
More I don't know if its any good to say, but from my last pig I learned how to talk, it sound like them. So I have been trying to make her feel at home, and now coo her.
And my friend (well moms friend), has had girl Guinea pigs in the pay so she thinks she may be pregnant, and may be trying to give labor. But she had also found some type of things on her fur. Like bugs. She says they could be mites. Please, I would appreciate your help. It worries me to not be able to take care of her.....

ANSWER: First of all I am assuming that you're talking about vaginal bleeding. If this is the case then this little sow is in trouble, she is probably trying to give birth and has a baby that is not properly positioned. If you don't get her to a vet ASAP you will lose both the mother and the babies.

As for mites, they are invisible to the naked eye. They burrow into the skin and you cannot see them. You may be able to see lice as they're tiny little thread like creatures. However, if this poor pig is bleeding and struggling she is in greater danger right now than mites.

Please, if she's still with you when you read this take her to your vet. She's in serious trouble and pain.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I see. Well, I've tried to tell my mom this to take her to the vet. But they called the pet store or something and said that she has tape worms, and possibly lice. Which we are taking care of now. But I am concerned if she is pregnant. Cause she also doesn't like being touched on her hips/pelvic area. She cries in pain. Which is strange because she wasn't doing that when I bought her.....
Her rum is swelled and she walks like she limps her hind legs. Like dragging them along, unless that's how she walks. But I'm pretty sure she's not a rabbit, so she doesn't need to like jump her hind legs.

It was futile to call the pet store as they obviously have no idea what they're talking about. Guinea pigs do not get tapeworms. And lice would not cause her to bleed.  I would NOT treat her for lice if this is still occurring as her immunity is already weakened, making her more susceptible to reaction from the treatment.

Your pig is in SERIOUS pain and trouble. It's cruel to allow her to continue like this. To wait any longer to take her to a vet is going to end in her dying. PLEASE, don't wait.