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Introducing a adult female into a female household

20 9:01:56

I raise brindles in Georgia and am very serious about the breed and will be getting into conformation this next year. I currentley have male that we are hoping to finish this year, and I will be keeping a pup from my current litter to show later this year. I have the opportunity to take in a nice 20 month old bitch from beautiful lines from a show home that would be a wonderful addition to program. What is your opinion on bringing in another intact bitch to a exhisting household, we have a 3 week old litter on the ground now. Heather  

Remember your pack may not welcome an intruder.  She will have to be introduce slowly but firmly and clamp down on any aggression from the older females, especially the alpha bitch.  The boys will probably welcome her with open arms and much huffing and puffing.