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Pom diagnose with apolicia hyperplasia

19 17:13:22

I have a 4 year old  female Pom, at 1 1/2 years old I had her groomed and I allowed a sanitary shave around her rear but her hair never grew back, then more hair loss began gradually the neck, chest, stomach and now her entire back and tail. I had her check by a vet, melantonin, then trilostane but to no avail no results. I keep blaming myself for allowin that her clip or perhaps because i had her spayed very young. Do you recommend a female hormone? Will her hair ever grow back? I want her hair back.

There is a condition in Pomeranians called Black Skin Disease and it sounds like you vet was trying to treat her for this.  Did he do a Thyroid test?  You might want to see
what her Thyroid levels are.  Put her on a quality dog food
and I would recommend one for dogs with allergies and use fish oil and some raw meat in her diet.

Does she scratch and if so have her checked for mange mites.

All this takes time...

Bi-Mar Pomeranians