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Pomeranians shedding

19 17:16:13

Ok my pom is now 10 weeks old, he is kind of a dark brown color with a silver/greyish undercoat, will the silver/greyish color ber his permanent color, and he is osing hair around his eyes is that normal, also he has already started "humping" is that normal at such a young age.

Normal, normal, normal. :)
From now till your Pom is about 6 months old-it will lose most of its coat and look quite ugly.  What you describe around the eyes sounds like what we call "monkey face" it goes along with the loosing the coat.  Once he has done this puppy shed he will grow in a pretty adult coat and get prettier and prettier with its full adult coat in at about 2 yrs old.  
He is not dark brown unless he is the color of a chocolate lab-you probably have an orange sable Pom-I would have to see it for sure to know but most of the sabling (black hairs) will likely fade and the "silver" is called puppy silver-it goes away and turns to a lighter shade of the original coat color.  
Mounting or "humping" is not necesarily a sign of sexuality but more of a sign of dominance.  By mounting other pets-you-toys, he is showing dominance over said things. ;) Female dogs do it too.
If you have any other questions about your pup you will find a ton of info on the links page of my site-
Good luck and enjoy him!
Gemini Poms