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Knee problems

19 17:17:13

Hi Carrie,  I know you aren't a medical expert but I will ask anyway because I am desperate. Our Pom just had knee surgery 5 weeks ago & he is still carrying his weak leg. Any suggestions to get him to put it down & start using it? Vet said he should be using it by end of 3rd week & said I should bring him back for an xray. The surgery was expensive & I can't afford more vet bills. Thanks for any info you can pass on.

Hi Sandy,

This is a tough situation and I wish I could help you.  You really need to take him back to the vet.  Even if you asked a vet this question they would tell you the same thing.  It's impossible to diagnose the dog over the internet.  Also, if you wait his condition could get worse, which could cost you more money in the long run. Plus, he may be in pain.

You could let the vet know of you cash problem. Maybe he will charge you less or allow you to make payments.  The only other option I can thing of is to find a clinic that doesn't charge as much.

In any event, I wouldn't wait.  He needs to be checked.

Let me know if you have any other questions and please keep me posted.

Best Regards,