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Litter training a Pomeraniam

19 17:14:18

We have a 5 year old pom and are now finding we need to be away from home for longer hours, and our dog and had a few accidents in the house. Can we still litter train him? Also, we have a cat - is having his litter box a problem? Should they be in the same room or separated? The pom is a male, so he lifts his leg to pee.


Depending on how long you are gone you can use a belly band to keep him from peeing on the furniture.  NO your dog should not have any access to the cat litterbox-he will eat our of it which can give him parasites and/or the gravel litter can tear up his intestines.  You should use a litter pan for him with dog litter or wood stove pellets or something like the "Good Mews" litter.
It may be a hard road and will take a lot of patience and dilligence on your part to train an older dog but it is not impossible.
Try these links-
