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hair growth

19 17:14:18

i just bought a 14 wk old pom pup and she does not have very much hair.  what can i do to encourage hair growth or when will it start to grow full naturally?

This is a normal coat stage for Poms.  It should start coming in thicker and fuller and longer over the next 3 months.  Again at a year they usually go through another big shed and then have a glorious big coat by 2.  As long as your pup comes from a lines of Poms who grow big coats and don't have flat open coats. :o)
Nothing you can do to make hair grow.  Just feed them a top quality kibble and don't overbathe or underbathe.  Maybe add a bit of salmon (1/4-1/2 tsp) to the kibble a day to combat dry skin.
