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Double row of Teeth

19 17:14:41

Hi i was wondering if i could get your oppinion on my puppies teeth, he is a 6 month old boy pom... and recently started to lose all of his teeth, from what i can tell is that all have fallen out but 2... they are his bottom K9 teeth, i don't remember those falling out, and now he's having his adult ones coming in right next to them On the inside of his mouth, directly under his tounge... they have not grown in fully yet... but it's worring me alot! I want to get the procedure where they pull out his baby teeth and let his adult ones grow in. But when i called my vet they told me that they wont give him anything for pain, after the procedure... I still want to do the surgery but i'm afraid of alot of things.... if you have ever dealed with this type of situation please share your story with me... because i'm very worried to even have this procedure done, considering there's no pain killers after... and i know he's going to be in discomfort, he's a living being, i know i felt discomfort for a month when they pulled my wisdom teeth.... but i had pain killers, and he wont... and what brakes my heart is that he can't speak to tell me how he feels! As you could see this is very tough for me, i also heard that he's going to be put to sleep while they do this, and that when a dog is put to sleep he might not wake up... from your experiance is that true? please let me know your honest oppinion

The best way to help you is to refer you to my website  on my site I have written an
article on how to deal with double row of puppy teeth.

I prefer to take them out myself rather than take a chance on a vet killing a pup with too much gas.  I have done this
for years and not had any problems.