Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > hair on muzzle

hair on muzzle

19 17:13:07

Hi, I bought a pom puppy that was not from a breeder. We bought him at 8 weeks old. Soon after that we noticed he has longer hair on his muzzle and from pictures of other poms we have seen, it doesn't appear they are shaved. Now I'm wondering if he is not a pure breed. Do some poms have longer hair on the muzzle?
Thanks, Rhonda

Hard to know what you mean without seeing it.

We do not shave Pom faces.  Sometimes they go through a funky monkey stage where the hair is different lengths and this happens from 4 months through 8 motnsh.  Then they start to grow in an adult coat... that falls out around 12 mo and grows back in :o)