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Chewing on carpet and furniture

19 17:14:46

We have a pom that is 13 months old. She is constantly chewing. She has chewed our night stands and dresser up. We had her baby teeth removed about 3 months ago because she had two sets of teeth. we just bought a new house about 4 months ago and she chewed a hole in the carpet where the carpet meets the tile. The people replaced the carpet and now she has done it again except it is against the wall and in the middle of the living room. There is always chew toys and rawhides in the floor. She will carry a rawhide around with her everywhere she goes. Please help, we don't know what else to do.

She is getting too much freedom whitout supervision, it sounds like. :o) Maybe you need to reign in the fun unless you are there to watch her.  Try spraying bitter apple spray or maybe some hot sauce in inconspicuous spots where she chews? make sure when you see her biting something she shouldn't that you scold her with firm tones of voice and take her away from the spot and give her something she can chew.  When she is chewing something she is supposed to you praise her.
You may need to lock her up while you are not home till she is past the puppyhood of chewing naughty things up.

Best of luck!