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Should I cut my poms hair?

19 17:17:12

Hi Carrie,
I have a beautiful female pom.  She is 7 months and her coat is nice and thick.  I live in AL and am concerned that she might get too hot.  I've heard conflicting stories about haircuts for poms and am not sure what I should do.  She is an inside dog but does go outstide with me when I work in the yard and am outside.  She hasn't show any sign of over-heating really, just panting, etc.  I always put her a bowl of cool water w/ice outside if I know we are going to be out there a while.  I've heard that you should never give a pom a haircut (lion cut) because 1) it ruins their coat and 2) they don't need it because the double layer coat they have keeps them cool.  I don't really want to cut her hair but I would do it in a heart beat if it would keep her cool.  I could also leave her in the house while I'm outstide but she loves being out there with me so much and really, I love her being there, too.  She's a great dog.  Hope all this makes sense!  Thanks for any advice.


Hi Lavelle,

The hair would probably grow back if you cut it, but there is a condition called post-clipping alopecia.  This is a common condition found primarily in sled dogs (Pomeranians, Samoyeds, Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, Keeshonds, and Chow Chows). After the hair is cut or shaved regrowth is delayed for aproximately 6 to 12 months. Never shave a pom.  Leave the hair at least 1/2 inch long.  This will protect her from the sun and heat.  I don't think a double layer coat keeps them cool.  Try putting on a thick fur coat and go outside and see if you feel cooler.  LOL!  :)

Because you don't really want to cut her hair, here's an idea:  get her wet.  It will help keep her cool.  I do this to my dog all the time and it helps a lot.

Your dog is blessed.  You are such a good pom mom!
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Best Regards,