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hates his harness

19 17:15:13

I have a 16 month old pom that i love so much he is just the sweetest dog and the fist pom i ever had but he hates his harness and when i want to walk him he hides and i have to fight him to go out once he gets outside he is happy what can i do to make it easy for both of us i am 70 yrs old and gets hard to get on the floor to get him out from under the bed.I have tried collars on him but he has that trachea problem for that reason i will not put anything around his neck .When he gets those attacks and  i dont know what to do where he starts like gasping it scares him and he wont let me near him i try to rub his throat and calm him down he shakes so much when he gets those attacks i know he is scared and i feel so bad for him.He is such a joy and just loves the whole family and is always so funny and so smart I could go  on for ever telling you how much joy he brings to the family and to me i live alone and could not have a better friend to be with me. Thank  you for any help becuase 'Toby" is my life and my precious little pet

I am close to 68 so I understand the problems of getting
up and down.  I would suggest treats to get him to come
to you and of course, praise him when he does.

My Poms love string cheese and it is easy for me to carry
in a pocket.  Just remember very small pieces so he won't

Also when you are in the yard let him wear the harness
off a lead (provided you have a fenced yard) and call him
to you and reward with a treat.  After sometime you find that he will follow you around and it will make training much easirer.  When he follows you around reconnect the

You vet has medications that will help with the trachea