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Color of my pom

19 17:15:51

I have a 12 week old pomeranian that we purchased when he was 5 1/2 weeks old. He is adorable but we would really like to know something about his color. Both of his parents were orange sable poms but "Indy" is very different. I have included a picture of him. Can you tell me if he is a Wolf sable color or not. He is light gray near the skin and a deeper gray on the top with black tips on his fur. Please tell me what you think? Since his parents are both orange is it possible that his fur will change to orange also?
Thanks for your opinion.
Connie Henry  

You have yourselves an orange sable Pom.  He will lose the grey and a lot of the black and be a very orange color-I am sure just like his parents.  Wolf sable is the rarest color Poms come in and most puppies sold as wolf sables are actually cream or orange sable. The gray is also referred to as "puppy gray" since it is the puppy coat and within the next few months you will see him lose most of his undercoat (the fluffy hair) and the puppy gray along with it.  Then his adult coat will come in and you should find that most of the sable is gone.
You can find tons of Pom info on my links page and off the American Pom Club site.
Have a great day!