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Socializing a new Pom

19 17:15:46

I'm getting my first pomeranian puppy.  I have owned other breeds of dogs in the past, but this will be my first of a toy breed.  My question is how do I go about socializing her?  What age do I start introducing her to other dogs at parks, children, and taking her out into public?  What should I know before I start introducing her to new things? Should I bring treats with me to have strangers feed her so she is a good social dog?  I want her to be very comfortable with all people and good with social interactions. I am a very active and social person, and chose this breed since I've read they make good companions, have a lot of energy & personality.  Any insight would be very appreciated.  Thank you!

Once your pup has her first set of 3 vaccinations you can and should take her every where you can so thay she can meet as many people any new envirnments as possible.
The more socialized she is the better pet she will be and the better able to handle new situations she will be.
It is a great idea to carry around treats for others to give her.  I would also suggest you carry around nutrucal with you wherever you go to be on the safe side so that if she ges without for for a while you have emergencies nutrition on hand in case she gets a bit of low blood suger.

Best of luck!
Gemini Poms