Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > Housbreaking


19 17:14:02

My dog is housbroken and she wont go the bathroom inside the house, but she wont tell me when she has to go we just guess and take her out like every 2hrs.  How do I correct this problem.  I need her to tell me when she has to go outside so I dont have to take her out 10times a day.  Thanks

Sounds like what you're doing is working.  Depending on the age of the Pom you can try to extend the time you are putting her out to a little longer and then a little longer.  Just watch for signs that your pup needs to go our like circling, sniffing, squating and rush the dog outside.  Make the command when you let her out "outside" or "go quick" or "go potty".
