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Jealousy, Long Working Hours

19 17:17:20

I got a gorgeous Pomeranian (Copper) from my newphew last December because they had no time for him and were crating him practically 24/7!  Now, I find I am having to do practically the same!  He will be a year old June 6th.  He is large (15 lbs.!), but not fat, and has a beautiful coat.  I know nothing about the breeder unfortunately.  I have a 5 yr. old Boston Terrier (Toby) who is the love of my life. I think Toby is depressed because Copper is so possessive.  They really enjoy playing together and seem to care about each other, but my relationship with my Boston is not the same. I wanted a companion for Toby, but I am not sure he is happier because of it. I have considered finding a home for Copper because he is extremely needy (I am his third owner).  He also digs up the yard (fenced, but he still occasionally escapes), and still tinkles in the house when he is excited.  It is very hot here in Florida, and neither of them can take the heat all day.  He also sometimes has a "honking" cough, which the vet says could be his trachea.  He and Toby were just neutered this week (a bit late perhaps!), and Copper had some pretty bad complications.  I just hate to think of making him go to another new home and I am trying very hard to avoid that.  But, I do work long hours and I MUST crate him because he chews.  He does not go potty in his crate, even if in there for several hours (which I hate to do, but must).  He will make mistakes if I leave him out.  Plus, he barks at every passerby and could get out and get killed.  I also have a new kitten I just rescued, and both dogs are wonderful and gentle with her.  Copper is such a loving dog and he just seems to worship me!  But, he is driving Toby and I crazy!  I am so upset, but my Boston comes first.  ANYTHING you have to offer will be most appreciated.  He is a good dog basically, and I think Toby loves him, too, but my goal was to be able to leave him out in the house like my Boston does.  My hours are LONG - sometimes 8-10+ hrs. and I work too far away to come home during the day.  I thought the kitchen might be something to try for Copper, but not necessary for Toby.  My mom can SOMETIMES come over and let them out, but not always.  Should I just find a home where he can be the CENTER of attention?  I want my Boston to know HE is # 1 and always will be.  He has earned it. But I do care VERY MUCH for Copper, as well. Also, they both sleep with me, including the kitten.  Should I only let Toby sleep with me like he always has since he was born?  Copper just whines and whines if I do that, though.  PLEASE HELP!  Copper is smart, but very stubborn.  He learned to sit, lie down, and roll over in less than 20 minutes!  Thanks for anything you can suggest.  I really need your advice.  Can this relationship be salvaged?  

Hi Sherry,

Yes, it can be!  Copper's problem is that he is untrained. He just needs some training and lots of love.  If you will totally commit to this dog and work with him he will become a wonderful pet.  I strongly suggest that you take him to a dog obedience class.  It will help you with the training and help create a bond between you. You could also get some books from the library on dog training. Because Copper has been bounced around from house to house he is probably insecure--hence his neediness.  Plus, no one has taken the time to train him.  Once he feels secure with you and gets some training I bet you'll love him just as much as Toby.  

By the way, the honking sound is caused by trachea irritation.  Nothing to be concerned about unless he is doing it a lot.

You have several things going for you: poms are very intelligent and have a strong desire to please their owners.  They are also loyal, devoted, and get along great with other dogs. You will find training easier since you had him neutered.

Here's a few tips:
Don't leave him outside for long periods of time.  Dogs dig, bark and escape when they are bored.  (Poms prefer to be with you anyway.)  Fix the area of the fence where he escapes.  Let Copper sleep in the bed with you and the other animals.  You may want to try blocking him off in the kitchen until trained.  Give him rawhide bones and/or nylabones to chew.  I put cheese on the rawhide bone for my dog.  He loves it.

Work on his housetraining like he is a untrained puppy. Here is a response I wrote on housetraining that you may find helpful:
It will take lots of patience and persistence.  Some pups can take several months or so to train.  Do not allow the puppy to have free reign in the house until he is completely trained.  When you are home keep him with
you at all times.  When you leave the house either put him in a crate (never for more than four hours at a time) or block him off in a small area (bathroom, utility room or kitchen) with a gate.  Put newspaper or puppy pads in an area for him to use.  Neutering him by five or six months
of age will help, and can prevent him from developing the habit of leg lifting.  If he has an accident but you don't catch him don't scold him for it.  He won't understand what he's done wrong.  Clean up the mess completely.  Using a product like Simple Solution will remove the stain
and the odor.  If you catch him it the act, firmly say, "No" and take him outside.  Never rub his nose in it.  He can be trained to go in a particular area in your yard and to go on command.  Take him to the same spot every time and use the same command like, "Go potty".  Praise him when he goes!  Of course you'll want to take him out frequently, especially after sleeping, eating, and playing. I was never able to use a crate for training.  My pom would go potty in it.  I blocked him off in the kitchen and set up a dog liter box.  I didn't use dog liter but lined the box with newspaper.  Puppy pads would
work as well.  I would put him in the box and say, "Go potty".  If he did, I would praise him profusely.  Sometimes I would give him a treat.  I always took him to the same spot outside too. It took approximately two and a
half months and after I had him neutered at five and a half months he was pretty much trained.  I kept him blocked off in the kitchen when I had to leave the house for about the first year.  Now, he has free reign when
I am gone.  He is liter box trained and trained to go in a
specific spot in the yard.  Having him liter box trained is great for when I am gone and when the weather is bad. (Rain, snow, etc.)

My pom was a lot of work for about the first six months or so.  Housebreaking was a challenge.  But I tell you the truth--he is the most awesome dog ever!  He's extremely intelligent, exceptionally well trained, loving, loyal, and an excellent companion.  And he's beautiful!  

You are a kind and caring person, otherwise you would have already gotten rid of this dog.  I know you can do this!  Hang in there Sherry!  The work will be worth it.  You will have what you wanted: a playmate for Toby and two wonderful dogs!

Let me know if you need more help.  Please keep me posted.

Best Regards,