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peeing inhouse

19 17:14:38

i have a pom about 6 years old and she does pretty good about peeing and pooping int he house.   not long ago she was attacked in my packyard by a pitbull and i had to shoot it and kill it to stop.  there was blood everywhere in the garage by the back door which i have cleaned and sprayed enzimes.  she was ok minor puctures.   since then i cant get her to stop peeing and pooping in the house in order to have her go potty i have to go outside with her now due to she seams to be afraid to go by herself, sometimes i have to be a forcefull in words and firmsly tell her to go and point towards the grass.   what is the best way to get her number one to go potty outside in stead of the house and to number two help her with the trama

You will have to continue to take her outside as she is
afraid on her own.  You might consider building a safe
fenced area for her where she won't be attacked by strange

When she is sure nothing is going to hurt her again she
will go back to going outside to potty.