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lifespan-heavy breathing

19 17:17:01

We have a 14 yr old Pom named Sadie-
what is the lifespan for her- she has no health issues- other than the fact that she breaths so very heavy for some unknown reason-


Nothing is always and never and each life is an individual with its own experiences and expectations.  Having said that, the AVERAGE lifespan of a Pomeranian is about 15 years.  Most of the calls I get about puppies or rescues are from families who have just lost thier companion and are looking for another.  And based on that I have found that many live well past the average of 15 years.  Recently I got a call from someone who's Pom had lived over 20 years.  A lot of them pass around 18 years of age.
As far as the breathing, it sounds like it could be many things.  One of the afflictions that poms have is collapsing trachea.  If your vet has not said anything to you about this then it may not be an issue for your dog.  Another thing that causes some pets to breathe heavily and cough is congestive heart failure and that is from "old age".  If you pom is healthy in every other way then the heavy breathy may just be from getting older.  And if she hasn't had the problem all her life then it is most likely to be from that too.  Ask your vet if it is something that seems to bother her.  
Good luck.  And, love her while she is with you.  She may be around for another 5 years or more!  :-)
-Trish Inman
Gemini Poms