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Pom shedding/coat/tempermant

19 17:17:00

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Question -
My Pom will be 5 months hold 9/10/04.  He sheds all the time now.  Its not alot but you can pick him up and have hair on you.  I was wondering how long it took a puppy to shed all it's puppy hair.

Also my Pom seems to be getting darker.  The color on the papers said creme sable.  undercoat seems to be getting darker.  Is this normal?

Also, My Pom (Gui) seems to be a different dog inside then he is outside.  He does what I tell him to do inside but when we get outside he just totally ignores me when other people comes around him.  He usually only goes outside.  I tried to get him to go on Puppy Pads for when I'm not home for long periods of time but he won't do it.  So when the children comes around he just goes crazy.  I pretty got the tendancy to bite under control but he just literally goes wild when ever other people come around.  I try to keep him around other people so he can be a people person but it's just that inital contact with another person that he is out of control and then after a while he's back to his normal self.  Everybody just loves him but I just wish he wouldn't be so hyper all the time.  And once he gets older I want to be able to leave him for longer periods of time without worrying about him.  I worry about him all the time while I'm at work.  When is a Pom cosidered full grown.  He weighs 3.7 now.  Thank You Valerie
Answer -
He should be all done with puppy shed at about 8 months and then he will have his 1 year shed.  :-) Once his adult coat comes in he wiil be done with the major shedding but as this is a double coated breed, he will lose some of his undercoat when it startes to get warm.  If you brush him out about 2-3 times a week then you will cut down on all the loose hair finding its way on you and your stuff.  Try using a poodle pic, or a long toothed comb to get at all that undercoat and pull it up and away from the body to get out all the loose once.
Sables CAN get darker.  Depending on what thier genes tell the coat to do.  What you describe sounds like a reverse cream sable where they get darker and the undercoat is quite dark with cream colored guard hairs.  You should know the adult color by 18-24 months of age.
Now, about the hyper activity.  It should fade as he matures.  One thing you can try but it take A LOT of patience and persistance is to ignore him unless he is sitting and then pet him.  When you all get home train him to sit and then pet him.  After a lot of practice he will learn to sit for attention.  Just be sure you praise his efforts or he will revert back to what got him attention in the first place (good or bad) he will do what he knows you will respond to.  Remember, too, that he is low to the ground and the only way he can have a chance to reach you is to get as high as he can (bouncing and jumping).
A Pom is considered full grown at about 18-24 months.  Given the proper place to potty, sleep, food to eat lots of water and some toys, he should be fine most of the work day without you home.  Just make sure you spend a lot of time with him when you get home.  This might help your hyper problem.  You might want to try taking him outside for a run when you get home to try to get out all that pent up energy.
Good Luck!
You might find some helpful training tips on my links page.
Gemini Poms

Thank you for answering my question.  This is so great.  Do you have any advice on how to train him to go to the puppy pads for longer periods of me being away from home.  I spend alot of time with him when I get off work. I go home for lunch and spend about 45 minutes with him.  And I spend most weekends with him all day. He goes almost everywhere with me.  I have a girlfriend that I let babysit when I'm going to be gone overnight, but I would like to be able to leave him at home. Is obediance school a good idea.  

One thing I can say about Poms is they have personality.  Again thank you for answering my questions.  

Obedience school is a GREAT idea.  It will help you to learn how to teach him what you want from him and it will teach him manners.  It can also be a great thing to have him follow directions in an emergency (like if he is away from you on a walk and you need him to come or lay and stay to keep him safe).  
If you find that he goes potty on something other than the pad then use the pad to clean up the urine.  Leave the soiled pad on the place you want him to go and the smell of the soiled pad should have him wanting to eliminate in the same place.
It sounds like he is getting a lot of love from you and that you care for him a great deal.  He should be fine with spending time alone as long as he has toys to keep him occupied and plenty of food and water available.  He would also like a comfy place to nap-maybe a kennel that is left open with soft bedding so that he can have a little "den" to retire to when he wants to sleep.
Have fun with him! :-)
Gemini Poms