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feeding and potty training

19 17:15:33

i can not find a dog food my pomeranian likes.  do you have any suggestions.  she is a toy pom
Also, she refuses to go outside to go potty.  can she be trained to a litter box and what is used as a filler

There is no such thing as a "toy" pom. :) All Poms are in the catagory of toy breed.

Poms can be litterbox trained IF you are willing to put the time and effort into the training.  And your pup will eat when it is hungry.  Depnding on the size of the pup you may want to wet down quality kibble until they are at least a year old.

There are a lot of feeding and potty training tips in the archives of the experts web site.  Look under dogs;poms. :)

Good luck.