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8 yr. old pom potty training

19 17:13:26

I recently adopted an 8 year old, female pom from an animal shelter. She was really great about not pooping or peeing in my apartment for two weeks. Then all of a sudden, she started peeing, and pooping while I was in the apartment, and will also pee when I leave. I've tried to establish a schedule for when I feed her, and take her out to go potty, but it obviously hasn't worked. How am I supposed to train an 8 yr. old dog to not soil my apartment? Help!

First of all do not let this dog have the run of the house.
Put her in the utility room or buy an exercise pen and take
her out only when she can be supervised.

She is upset about being moved around which has caused
anxiety problems with her.  Given time she will go back
to being house broke.  Right now she is very confused.

Bi-Mar Pomeranians