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My dog lost her husband and now wont eat.

19 17:14:39

My little 1-2 year old pomeranian, Zoey, lost her husband (also a pom) about a month ago and now she will not eat.  She is only 2-2 1/2 pounds to begin with so I am worried.  Her hubby ran away in late June, and while we are still looking for him I need to know what to do with her.  I started to hand feed her one pellet of her Iams food at a time and she has eaten about 20-30 pellets in one sitting, but I cannot continue to do this.

Please help me to help her with her grieving process.

Thank you.  

At her size you need to make sure you give her whatever she wats till she is past the grieving process.  You can use cottage cheese, yogurt, raw burger, cooked chicken breats, deli meat-whatever.  Keep her eating.

she is just sad.

check with your vet if this continues.
