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finicky pomeranian

19 17:15:35


I have a four month old pomeranian who is just over 2 pounds.  He is a bit of a finicky eater only eating a few mouthfuls at a time and not eating the amounts suggested on the puppy food label.  Information I have read on training suggests that food be kept out for no more than 15-20 minutes and then removed.  My concern is regarding hypoglycemia which I have read is common in toy breeds.  We are crate training our puppy and should I allow him to free feed instead to avoid low blood sugar as he is not eating full meals?  His stool was checked by the vet yesterday and was unremarkable.  


With a toy breed puppy the rules to training are not the same. :) You should be allowing your puppy to free feed for the first year.  2 pounds is small and I would expect him not to be more than 3 1/2-4 pounds grown.  It is just safer to allow the free feeding than to try to keep him on a schedule.

Best of luck!