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About her hair...

19 17:17:07

I am lucky enough to have just adopted a 5 month old Red Sable Pom- she's beautiful! My question is, she's not very "poofy" at all- her hair is more straight and not very long. Will her fur grow in when she is older, or will she stay like this?

Hi Valerie,

Many poms go through this stage known as the "puppy uglies".  The adult coat will come in at
approximately nine months to one year of age.

Poms are suppose to have a soft undercoat with a harsh outer coat, but some poms have soft, open (also known as flat) silky coats.  I am not sure which type of coat your pom has.  If you got her from a show breeder it should be the correct coat.  Most backyard breeders produce poms with flat coats.  I am sure your pom is adorable whatever coat she has!  

Best Regards,