Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > I have been feeding her canned...

I have been feeding her canned...

19 17:16:19

I have been feeding her canned food that contains chicken, rice, liver, etc. I feed her 4 times a day, two tablespoons, but she has been throwing up. What about milk? is that bad for her?Any suggestions?thanks.

Hello again Esme,

What type of canned food?  Does she have diarrhea too?  Have you had her checked by a vet?  She should be looked over by a vet.  Don't feed her regular milk.  You might want to try a puppy formula (milk replacer for puppies).  You can feed her with a puppy baby bottle.  You can buy these items at a pet supply store.  

Let me know if you need more help.
Best to you,