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breathing problems w/ my pom

19 17:16:19

My pom once or twice a day has developed this type of breathing problem that I haven't been able to distinguish what exactly it is. It only lasts between 1 and 5 seconds and it is like she got the wind knocked out of her and is trying to catch her breath. As she is trying to breath there is a vibration in her breathing while she is either breathing out or in, I haven't figured it out yet. She is in great physical condition, up to date on all shots, and does not have any other difficulty in breathing except for this couple spells in the day. I have tried to test her trachea by rubbing it (right above the chest) for a minute or two and see if that induced this episode but all she did after I was done rubbing was a big sneeze.  The first time we noticed this was when we started giving her a prescription medication for her eating her poop.  We had about a week and half worth of this powder substance that we were supposed to mix in with her food that the vet gave us. She ate it fine, but because it was a fine powder, I thought that maybe she had breathed some of it through her nose and it got into her lungs or something. Does this seem to be a possibility? If not, give me any advise of what it might be so I can take the appropriate steps. I would go to my vet, but don't seem to know poms very well and just want to do a whole bunch of expensive tests when something goes wrong with her. Thanks so much for your help.  

Becasue it started with the medicine I would think it may have been caused by it, just as you say.  But without hearing it I cannot rule out a collapsing trachea.  It is a very common issue wih Poms.  Only your vet can tell you for sure. I would find a different vet, though.  One who may be better able to help you with your breed of dog.  If you go to my links page you may find some helpful tips about Poms.  Otherwise you are welcome to email me and I can frwd you some stuff I have saved about Poms.