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12 wk old puppy Please Help

19 17:14:31

*My puppy is 12 weeks old and I've had my puppy for about 4 weeks now and I am doing everything I can to doggy train her she does well with using pee pad for peeing just not with doing a number 2.  She has to do this #2 on the carpet.  

*Also when I tell her NO she barks at me like she is talking back.  She hates to be told NO.  

*Also she loves to bite my fingers I have tried the thumping of the nose doesn't work.  I tried the puting her up and she is good for about 30 minutes and then she starts biting again.  

*Also should I be leaving food and water out all day or just at certian times of the day?

*She likes chewing on carpets and well just about anything how do I stop this?

*Another thing is that she attacks my ankles and after a while it hurts.  What do I do?

Now Desi(my puppy) is not all bad she is loving and she is still just a puppy i just want to get started as soon as possible to break these awful habits.  

Please Help/ Thanks  

All of this is very very normal stages for a baby.  She is just that and you cannot expect more of her. :o) You will also have to be very diligent in your training and VER consistant.  She will only learn as fast as you are willing to follow through.
Check out the archives as there are LOTS of new puppy parents who have run across these same things... they will pass in time as long as you are patient and make sure she knows what to expect from you and knows what you expect from her.
