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Aggressive behavior (2 month old pup)

19 17:15:34

We have our first Pomeranian puppy, she is two months old today and the most adorable girl ever!  She can be such a sweetheart, however, she can also act like Cujo!  Shen she first wakes up (from napping, in the middle of the night and in the morning) she's all sweet and lovable for about 5 - 10 minutes.  Then, all of a sudden, she is completely different.  She bites at our feet and socks.  If we try to pet her or even get close to her, she'll turn and/or lunge at us and bite (hard, not playful).  We have to be very careful not to get our faces too close to her when she is like this.  Please Help!  I'm afraid she will end up hurting one of my young nephews.

Angela H
Louisville, KY

I would recomend that you try holding her muzzle shut and say firmly-"No bite" and hold it shut for a few seconds. She will get the picture soon enough. Also, hold her on her back for a few seconds, several times a day so that she gets to understand that YOU are the alpha in the home. Or you can try-when she goes to bite you-gently but firmly press your hand into her mouth to where she wants to pull back. This can make her understand that when she bites, it ends up not being comfortable for her.
There are GOBS of links to training and Pom info on my links page.
You'll want to get this under control right away before it gets to a place where you can't control it.  You will also need to make sure you get that puppy out and socialized to all kinds of new surroundings and people-after she has all her vaccinations so she doesn't get sick.
Best of luck!
